Coffee With Pete
We circled his cabin to let him know we had arrived. We landed and dad helped him change out his propane tank since he had been with out a stove for two weeks which left him to heat his water for coffee with a hand torch.

Pete's hearing and overall health had declined quite a bit since last time I saw him about a year ago.
He fired up the stove and put the coffee on and we started to chat.
"When I can't take care of myself any more I'm just gonna go for a little trip" Pete said.
"Where to? Fiji?" Dad said jokingly.
Pete gave a little smile and as he looked and pointed North and said, " I'm just gonna go right out that way. " like he had been really thinking about it and almost looking forward to it.
"There are a few bear dens over there"
Dad Replied jokingly again.
"Yeah, I might just crawl in one. But I hear the females bite and scratch a bit." Pete said and chuckled.
Pete served up the coffee and we continued to chat.
As we we're about to leave he told us a story about an experience he had at a church in Wisconsin years back.
As he started to tell about a young boy being fully healed of his blindness. Pete started to cry. Clearly touched by the power and love of Jesus he said " how can people not even think about God?"
I could tell Pete has a special relationship with His Father. Its real, raw and pure. He is quick to confess his own flaws but he is even quicker to give you a smile and share his belief in his savior and even shed a tear while doing so.

I shook Pete's hand knowing it's possible I may not see him again like this. Before we closed the plane door dad yelled with a smile, "We love you Pete!"
Pete smiled back and gestured a hug that I swear I could actually feel.
I don't want to forget that time with Pete. I hope I see him again soon but I know I will see him when I enter into our true home, our eternal home, where we will have coffee again and instead of talking about God we will be having coffee with Him, and it might be just a bit better than Folgers.
Thank you Pete. Thank you for your boldness and tenderness.
ABOUT two years after writing this Pete did exactly what he said he was going to do. Or at least that what it seemed like. After leaving the cabin on his snowmobile he wasn't seen for the remainder of the winter. His snowmobile was eventually found in the spring but he was not.
That did turn out being the last time I saw Pete.
God Bless you Pete and keep the coffee on for me. See you soon.
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