A world where more people find adventure.
One Outdoors provides a trusted place to purchase outdoor experiences, gear, and services. We aim to positively impact people and the environment by donating 10% of the net profits to Restoration Outdoors nonprofit, which in turn invests in mental health and conservation.

Connecting the dots
In the last 10 years the overall mental health of the United States, and some may say the world, has declined. Statistically speaking, suicide rates are way up, obesity is rising from an already bad place, pastors are getting burnt out faster than ever, and kids are being told too many things at once with access to infinite loads of information. While we would never say One Outdoors is the solution to all of these things, it was the simple realization that playing a positive role amidst the chaos is enough fuel for us to want to make a difference. We provide resources for the adventures, and run the nonprofit to make as big of an impact as possible.

The Beginning
Meet the founder, Jake Collier
At five years old, Jake was mentored by his next-door neighbor who taught him how to tie a fishing knot. Since that day, he’s learned the great outdoors is a healthy space for people to challenge themselves, have fun, grow, and heal, as he has used it for all of those things himself. After about 30 years of life’s experiences, he realized it was time to fulfill a calling and lifelong dream to start an outdoors company and reciprocate what was once given to him, a connection to the outdoors, shown through love and compassion. While people from all walks of life have inspired and shaped Jake’s values, it is Jesus Christ who he follows and builds the foundation of One Outdoors and Restoration Outdoors upon.
Our Goals
Whether you’re shopping for products, services, or donating to our nonprofit projects directly, our goal is that you have a trust worthy resource for everything outdoors. Let’s keep the wild places wild and allow people to experience the “good old days” right now. We want you to walk away impacted positively not only by the quality products and services you invest in, but by building quality relationships with the people on our team and making an impact in the process.